All on Four Treatment
What is the All On
Four Implant?
The All On Four implant technique is a procedure that allows patients with no teeth at all to have their dental prosthesis fixed on four dental implants to be implanted at specific angles on the same day.
Is All On Four a succesful procedure?
The All On Four procedure has been shown in studies to have a high success rate in long-term follow-ups.
Treatment Process
The All On Four procedure is simple to conduct under local anesthesia. In individuals with severe levels of anxiety and fear, it can also be done under sedation or general anesthesia.
What are the stages of treatment?
Patients who are planned to receive an All On Four treatment must undergo a thorough clinical and radiological assessment. Measurements on computerized tomography (CT) are used to create an appropriate plan for the patient.
The All On Four procedure is divided into two stages: surgical and prosthetic. Following the placement of four dental implants in line with the treatment plan, the temporary dental prosthesis is attached to the dental implants on the same day. After 3 months, the patients will have their permanent dental prostheses.